DATE: 27.02.2012
AUTHOR: kellpaste
Ciggarettes dipped in promethazine
Does smoking promethazine have negative effects on the brain and.
If you dip a cigarette in promethazine and smoke it will you get.
What happens when you dip a cigarette in promethazine - The Q&A wikiIf you dip a cigarette in promethazine and smoke it will you get high? ChaCha Answer: As it has the alcoholic and medical contents of... What happen if you smoke a cigarette soaked in promethazine? ChaCha Answer: Promethazine is a first-generation H1 receptor antagonist... Does smoking promethazine have negative effects on the brain and lungs? I occasionally get my prescriptions every so often and tend to enjoy dipping a cigarette in.
Cigarette dipped in promethazine codeine syrupAnyone else smoke a blunt dipped in this? I know you. Promethazine-Codeine in the The Grow Room forums; Didn't know. A friend crushed it and laced a cigarette. It gave me a.
Promethazine-Codeine - Marijuana Growing - Marijuana - Marijuana.
What happen if you smoke a cigarette soaked in promethazine? | > Wiki Answers > Categories Cigarette dipped in promethazine codeine syrup > Health > Medication and Drugs > Antihistamines > What happens when you dip a. > Wiki Answers > Categories > Health > Medication and Drugs > Antihistamines > What happens when you dip a cigarette in promethazine?
Ciggarettes dipped in promethazine Blunt Dipped in Promethazine | Stoner Forums
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Blunt Dipped in Promethazine | Stoner Forums
Dipping cigarettes in cough codeine
If you dip a cigarette in promethazine and smoke it will you get.
Vaporizing - Smoking purple drank - Drugs Forum